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Autor Tema: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi  (Pročitano 11174 puta)

Van mreže slovenka

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Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 11:51 »
Najjača ciklona u 2008 godini, koju su na Crometeu nazvali ciklona Zdenka nad našim područjem ima utjecaj več 4. dan, počela je u ponedeljak 27.10.2008! Zapadnoj Europi donjela je zimu i snijeg te niske temperature a nama na južnoj strani Alpa obilnu kišu i vrlo toplo vrijeme!

Evo u prvo jedna zanimljivost, ciklona zabjelila Veliku Britaniju s Londonom!

Foto: Miha Mihovec

Zabjelio se Big Ben. Foto: Reuters

"Oktober se je začel v poletju, končuje pa se v zimi," se nad nenavadnimi vremenskimi razmerami pritožujejo prebivalci britanskega otočja, ki snega v oktobru niso vajeni, saj se je njihovo 'britansko poletje' končalo šele pred nekaj dnevi. V začetku oktobra so se temperature gibale še okoli 20 stopinj Celzija, sedaj pa so nižje kot v Sibiriji, na Aljaski ali Norveškem.

Snežne padavine, ki so posledica hladne fronte z Arktike, so zajele večino države, pobelilo pa je celo ulice Londona, kar se  oktobra ni zgodilo že vse od leta 1934. Največ snega je sicer zapadlo v višjeležečih severnih predelih Velike Britanije, na Severni Irski in na Škotskem.

Pristojne angleške institucije opozarjajo na večjo previdnost na cestah, zaradi obilice zapadlega snega pa so odpovedane celo mnoge nogometne tekme po vsej državi. Kot poročajo angleški mediji, je padec temperatur pripomogel tudi k temu, da se več sto labodov iz Rusije ne bo vrnilo v Veliko Britanijo, kjer te živali navadno prezimijo.

Po napovedih vremenoslovcev bo hladen severovzhodnik prebivalcem Otoka še naprej povzročal preglavice. V prihajajočih dnevih bo otočje še vedno v mrazu, z možnimi snežnimi padavinami v severnih predelih.

Bela Španija!

Podobne težave kot Britanci imajo tudi sonca vajeni Španci, ki so se še pred nekaj dnevi greli pri 25 stopinjah Celzija. Številne kraje je prekril sneg, na severu države so zaradi hudega sneženja izdali posebno opozorilo. Hladna fronta pa je težave povzročila tudi po drugih delih Španije, ki so jih zajela neurja z vetrom, dežjem in točo. Najhuje je na Balearskih otokih, od koder poročajo tudi o smrtni žrtvi. Na Mallorci se je utopil Francoz, ki ga je sunek vetra odnesel s krova jahte.

Sneg u Sloveniji?

Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje še vedno opozarja pred nevarnostmi, ki jih lahko prinese močno deževje v zahodnih krajih Slovenije, povečan vodostaj rek v Posočju in visoko plimovanje morja. Poročajo, da se nad našimi kraji na območju Alp zadržuje hladna fronta, ki pa bo v noči na jutri prešla Slovenijo. Z jugozahodnimi vetrovi pa pred njo priteka k nam topel in vlažen zrak, zato snežnih padavin v naših krajih še ne pričakujemo.

Narobe svet: v Britaniji so temperature nižje kot v Sibiriji ali na Aljaski. Španijo je pobelil sneg, na Balearih pa je neurje zahtevalo žrtev.
 :o :P




Van mreže slovenka

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  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #1 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:01 »

Deževja še ni konec. Z Obale poročajo o povišanem plimovanju morja, zaradi česar so poplavljeni nižjeležeči predeli, s severozahodne Slovenije pa o težavah, ki jih povzroča veter.

Foto: Matic Z.

Potem ko so vremenoslovci napovedovali močno jesensko deževje in za severozahodni del Slovenije celo razglasili alarm najvišje stopnje, se črnoglede napovedi le niso uresničile. Hujše škode namreč ni bilo. Vseeno pa je po podatkih Agencije RS za okolje na hribovitih območjih zahodnega dela države padlo že okrog 150 litrov na kvadratni meter. Tudi na Obali so imeli težave, saj se je zvečer zaradi povišanega plimovanja morja in okrepljenega jugozahodnega vetra gladina morja dvignila do samega roba prelivanja, a je po 23. uri začela upadati.

Zaradi zemeljskih plazov je zaprta cesta Mojstrana–Vrata, polovična zapora pa je tudi na cesti Podkoren–Rateče.
Vetar pravio probleme

Severozahod države je imel nekaj težav z meteornimi vodami, zaradi česar so nekajkrat morali posredovati gasilci, ki so iz kleti prečrpavali vodo. Več težav pa je povzročal veter, ki je podiral drevesa, ta pa so ovirala promet. V naselju Plužna v občini Bovec je pod močnim sunkom vetra celo klonil telefonski drog, ki je prav tako padel preko ceste.

Močan veter je ponoči pihal tudi v vzhodni Sloveniji, a po dosedanjih podatkih ni povzročil nobenih posebnosti, so povedali na Centru za obveščanje RS.


Ponoči se je povsod po državi dvignila tudi gladina rek, najbolj pa so narasle v zgornjem Posočju, Sava Bohinjka s pritoki ter nekateri hudourniki v dolini Planice in reka Drava. Vse so že presegle opozorilno vrednost pretoka, Sava Bohinjka in Sava v srednjem toku pa še vedno zmerno naraščata.

Arso sporoča, da bo tudi Soča v spodnjem toku spet začela naraščati, prav tako pa tudi Drava v spodnjem in srednjem toku.

Z agencije še opozarjajo, da bo ob slovenski obali povišano plimovanje morja. Z Uprave za zaščito in reševanje so tako že sporočili, da morje poplavlja nižje dele obale.

Foto: Jan Strmole

Kakvo vrijeme se očekuje?

Vremenoslovci predvidevajo, da se bo močno deževje tam nadaljevalo do jutri dopoldne. Že danes naj bi tam padlo še od 60 do 120 milimetrov padavin, najbolj pa bo predvidoma namočilo Posočje. Ob tem se lahko pojavljajo tudi močni lokalni nalivi, ki se bodo ponekod lahko pogosto obnavljali. Meja sneženja se bo spuščala šele v drugi polovici noči na četrtek.

Ob morju pričakujejo okrepljen južni veter, ki bo dosegal hitrost do 90 kilometrov na uro, sunki, ki bodo lahko dosegli tudi 100 kilometrov na uro, pa se lahko pojavijo v nekoliko višjih legah tudi drugod po Sloveniji.

Po nižinah bo veter najmočnejši v severovzhodni Sloveniji, kjer bodo do jutri popoldne na vetru izpostavljenih mestih občasno hitrosti do 80 kilometrov na uro.

Ljepši praznici

Že jutri se bo vreme umirilo, v soboto pa bo tudi dež postopno ponehal. V nedeljo bo suho in topleje, ponekod bo celo posijalo sonce.

 :-\ 8)




Van mreže Boce

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    • Meteo Knjaževac
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #2 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:06 »
Da da arktički vazduh je prodro preko Britanskih ostrva na zapadnu Evrope. Ciklon u zapadnom Sredozemlju je povukao na Balkansko poluostrvo topao vazduh tako da su razlike u temperaturama između zapadne Evrope i Balkana skoro 20 i više stepeni. Obilne padavine u oblasti Alpa i Mediterana

Van mreže slovenka

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  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #3 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:10 »
Heavy rain and floods hit Northwest England - 26.10.2008

Torrential rain and high winds battered large parts of Northwest England on Saturday. The worst affected areas were Cumbria and Lancashire where rivers broke their banks and roads were made impassable from local flooding.

Across the Lake District in Cumbria, the severe weather forced the cancellation of the annual Original Mountain Marathon. Hundreds of competitors taking part in the organised run were left stranded in the fells as the weather became increasingly severe. Mountain rescue teams dealt with more than 10 casualties, and sheltered at least 300 mountaineers – some of which were suffering from hypothermia.

Saturday’s heavy rain was associated with an active cold front linked to a deepening area of low pressure that developed out over the Atlantic and moved close to the UK, brushing across Western and Northern Scotland. Heavy and persistent rain as well as gale force winds battered much of the Western UK. The heaviest rain fell across a large part of Cumbria. Shap Fell recorded 73.8mm (3 inches) of rain from around lunchtime Saturday to the early hours of Sunday. As vast amounts of rain flowed over the saturated ground, rivers across the Lake District rose to dangerous levels – notably the River Cocker, which burst its banks overnight.

The deep area of low has now moved away and is expected to be replaced by a blast of cold arctic winds which will penetrate south across much of the UK for the upcoming week. Widespread frosts are likely during the nights and sunny spells and wintry showers will affect many parts of the country by day.

Izvor BBC Weather

Missing mountain runners located


Wintry Spell Continues

The whole UK is now under the influence of a cold Arctic air stream, with frost in many parts this morning and already a good few wintry showers around.

There are two main focuses for rain, sleet and snow today, firstly it's across Scotland and in particularly the north and east of the country (including the Northern Isles). As a low pressure system runs down from the north close by, there will be plenty of showers packing in, many of them falling as snow giving some high accumulations over the higher ground in particular and blizzard like conditions at times too.

Further south across Ireland, England and Wales, a trough is making its way southeast. This is bringing a real wintry mix, with mostly rain and sleet currently at lower levels, but snow over the higher ground. As it heads south, colder air will dig in behind it, so snow is possible even at lower levels in places on its back edge.

Overnight tonight, Scotland will see the showers keep on coming, turning increasingly to rain in the far east as milder air nudges in. Elsewhere the trough will clear the southeast of England, leaving just a few showers in the west, paving the way for skies to clear and temperatures to fall away, giving a widespread frost. Following on from the rain, sleet and snow today, that is likely to mean some icy patches on roads and pavements.

Into tomorrow, rain will move in from the west, and as it does so it may well turn to snow in some parts - particularly over high ground. Some uncertainty exists over just how far east the rain will get though, so stay tuned for updates on this. Also tomorrow - the first full winter forecast is released on Netweather, along with the return of the winter area, ski forecasts and the first update of the Christmas forecast.

A carpet of snow and it's still only October: Chilly blast sends temperatures plunging lower than Siberia

Jack Frost is obviously a little more impatient than usual this year.

Just two days after the end of British Summertime, the first snowfall of the season turned large swathes of the country white last night..

Even London was hit by a light dusting last night, the first time the capital has seen snow in October since 1934.






Van mreže slovenka

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  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #4 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:19 »
Bjela Norveška!

Poplave u Rimu!



Reportaža(prevedeno sa talijanskog)

Kronika jedne spektakularne večeri

Messinski zaljev jucer je bio popriste velike grmljavinske oluje(MSC),koja je izmedju kasno poslijepodne i navecer u utorak 28 listopada utjecala na nevrijeme izmedju Sicilije i Kalabrije.

Nakon sto je pogodjeno podrucje zapadne Sicilije,olujno nevrijeme se preselilo u Kalabriju preko Mesinskog zaljeva.

Ovdje je grmljavinska situacija u 18.45:nekoliko minuta poslije pocele su "igre" u tjesnacu


Video grmljavinske predstave:

Izvorni text:

Kopirano iz Crometeo foruma. Autor: Pepe





Van mreže slovenka

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  • Poruke: 1.872
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  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #5 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:24 »

U 13.00 sati:

Sisak, Šibenik - 25C
Oslo - 1C uz snijeg
Dublin, London - 6C
Muenchen, Prag - 5C





Van mreže ptprince

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Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #6 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:26 »
I sve u prilog globalnom zagrevanju (inače, britanski izum)!

Dakle, sada znamo. Najraniji sneg se prvo dešava u Londonu, pa u Beogradu (koji ima kudikamo hladnije zime). :lmao:
Ne žurite, zastanite malo ispod same zvezde! Ako vam tada priđe neki dečak, ako se smeje, ako ima zlatnu kosicu, ako ne odgovara kada ga pitate, odmah ćete se setiti ko je on. Budite tada ljubazni! Ne ostavljajte me ovako tužnog: odmah mi napišite da se vratio...

Van mreže slovenka

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  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #7 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:37 »
Zagreb najtopliji grad u Europi pored Cipra!

Heavy snow falls in quake-hit Tibet

Heavy snowstorms have hit eastern Tibet over the last few days, worsening the situation for survivors of the earthquake earlier this month. Temperatures plummeted as snow started falling on Sunday.

At least two people are reported to have died and many more are missing. Snowfalls have blocked roads, caused avalanches and led to widespread power cuts.

Thousands of people have been living in tents or temporary shelters since the earthquake on 6th October. Relief materials including food and blankets are flooding into the area.

Heavy snowstorms are rare for this part of Tibet in October, and temperatures are unseasonably cold. In Lhasa, the regional capital, the average maximum temperature in October is 17C (63F), but yesterday the high was just 8C (46F). The wet season for Tibet is generally March to September, so should be soon coming to an end.

A few more snow showers have fallen today, but fortunately for residents the weather is forecast to turn milder and drier for the rest of this week.

BBC Weather

Konstanz u Nemačkoj!

Oborine u Austriji!

Norvešku fino trpa snijeg!

Švicarci i Njemci itekako uživaju!


Bettmeralp !


 :o :cry: :twisted:

Ako imate još šta o ovoj cikloni ovdje stavite! :D




Van mreže ptprince

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  • Le Petit Prince
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #8 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:38 »
Baš si se potrudila, Slovenka. Svaka čast! :first:
Ne žurite, zastanite malo ispod same zvezde! Ako vam tada priđe neki dečak, ako se smeje, ako ima zlatnu kosicu, ako ne odgovara kada ga pitate, odmah ćete se setiti ko je on. Budite tada ljubazni! Ne ostavljajte me ovako tužnog: odmah mi napišite da se vratio...

Van mreže slovenka

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  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #9 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:42 »
Baš si se potrudila, Slovenka. Svaka čast! :first:

Hvala! Hehee  e pa moram nekako prikazati ovu ciklonu, šteta što je kod nas toliko stupnja a malo sjevernije pada snijeg i okolo ništice, baš jadno al zanimljivo!




Van mreže jocozr

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Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #10 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:43 »
svaka cast na ovome...iznenadio sam se
e sad jedno pitanje...
ima li ovaj ciklon uticaj na nas?i kakav...?
sta se ocekuje kod nas narednih dana do kraja nedelje? ;)

Van mreže Boce

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    • Meteo Knjaževac
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #11 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:44 »
Joco nastavak ovakvog i još toplijeg vremena narednih 5-6 dana temperaure preko 20°C
i uglavnom suvo Možda danas i u toku sledeće noći bude kiše

Van mreže slovenka

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  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #12 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 12:55 »
Temperature po Evropi

Neverovatno kolike razlike, u Švici 0C i pada snijeg u Hrvatskoj toplo do 25C! :o




Van mreže slovenka

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  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #13 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 13:25 »
Cervino :o :o :twisted:




Van mreže ptprince

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Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #14 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 13:42 »
Uh, krov Evrope u punom sjaju!

Boce, je l' ipak lepši Babin Zub? ... samo još i tamo da zabeli!

Transmat, seti se:
Omiljeni album: Construction Time Again
Pozdrav i tebi, Transmat, 'devotional' sapatniče za DM! :)

Ne žurite, zastanite malo ispod same zvezde! Ako vam tada priđe neki dečak, ako se smeje, ako ima zlatnu kosicu, ako ne odgovara kada ga pitate, odmah ćete se setiti ko je on. Budite tada ljubazni! Ne ostavljajte me ovako tužnog: odmah mi napišite da se vratio...

Van mreže Boce

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    • Meteo Knjaževac
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #15 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 13:50 »
Mrtva trka kolega  :)
Na Babinom Zubu kao što i znaš prvi nalet snega davno prošao Sad se čeka prava zima dao bog  :o

Van mreže ptprince

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  • Le Petit Prince
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #16 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 13:58 »
Kolega, da li argument iz mog prethodnog posta na ovu temu ima nekakve veze sa mrtvom trkom? S obzirom na DM...
Ipak, Babin Zub je neuporedivo bliže. Ako nije lepši, bar je svakako draži. Ima i lepe majice (sećam se sa Stražilova)...

Ali dosta offanja! Nešto smo moja šefica i ja razmatrali onaj crni Austin (londonski taxi za one koji to ne znaju) pod belim pokrivačem. Postoji, naime, jedan scenario budue promene klime, a to je: šta ako se preseče Golfska struja kod Britanskih ostrva? Takav scenario postoji, a donosi Skandinaviji večiti led, a Britanskim ostrvima zimu oštriju od Islandske. Nama ni iz džepa ni u džep. Iako tu priču inicira, globalno zagrevanje nije mnogo zastupljeno u toj priči...
Samo smo se zapitali da li je moguće da se to može uskoro desiti? Nije li ovo predznak takve promene?

Čekamo sledeći takav događaj za nastavak razmišljanja u tom pravcu. Godot...
Ne žurite, zastanite malo ispod same zvezde! Ako vam tada priđe neki dečak, ako se smeje, ako ima zlatnu kosicu, ako ne odgovara kada ga pitate, odmah ćete se setiti ko je on. Budite tada ljubazni! Ne ostavljajte me ovako tužnog: odmah mi napišite da se vratio...

Van mreže slovenka

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  • Lokacija: Prebold / Miklavž pri Taboru / Slovenija
  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #17 poslato: 30. Oktobar 2008. u 15:07 »
Tornado kippt Reisebus einfach um - Polen

Schnee im Sudschwarzwald.

Der Winter hat die deutschen Mittelgebirge erreicht. Besonders betroffen ist Thüringen, der Harz und der Südwesten Deutschlands. Dieses Schneefoto stammt von Simon Zeiher aus Westerheim (Alb).

Auf dem Feldberg im Schwarzwald liegen 22 Zentimeter Schnee.

Auf dem Fichtelberg auch schon 16 Zentimeter. 

Auch auf dem Brocken wächst die Schneehöhe an - derzeit sind es 5 Zentimeter.

Vor allem im Südwesten gab es erhebliche Behinderungen durch Schneebruch. Durch die schwere Last des Schnees sind zahlreiche Bäume umgekippt. Der frisch gefallene Schnee ist bei Temperaturen um den Gefrierpunkt recht feucht und deswegen sehr schwer.

Foto: dpa
An vielen Stellen im Schwarzwald ist es richtig winterlich.

Selbst am Bodensee in Konstanz lagen am Morgen 3 Zentimeter Schnee.

Foto: dpa
Für die Räumdienste bedeutet diese Wetterlage noch Sonderschichten.

Andere nutzen den ersten Schnee zu einer Winterwanderung.

Auch in der Schweiz hat der Winter Einzug gehalten. Bis auf 600 Meter herunter gab es Schnee.

Selbst die Tiere müssen sich wohl erst an die weiße Pracht gewöhnen.

Auch in Spanien gab es die ersten heftigen Schneefälle.

Viele Landschaften waren weiß angezuckert.

Der Winter ist auch auf Mallorca angekommen. Diese stürmische Brandung sendete uns Frank Pohlmann.





Van mreže slovenka

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  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #18 poslato: 31. Oktobar 2008. u 10:21 »




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  • I Love Winter and Summer!!
Re: Najjača ciklona godine 2008 u Europi
« Odgovor #19 poslato: 31. Oktobar 2008. u 10:25 »
Hailstorm sparks 'absolute chaos'

East Devon and parts of Cornwall have been hit by serious flooding after a night of storms, including severe rain and heavy hail.

Devon and Somerset fire service described the situation in the Ottery St Mary area as "absolute chaos".

Police said that a pregnant woman, who had gone into labour, had to be rescued from a car and about 25 people have been rescued from their homes.

An evacuation centre has been set up at the hospital in Ottery St Mary.

It got worse and worse and one crew got stuck in a 6ft drift
Susanne Reed, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

A police spokesman said: "There have been a series of weather-related road collisions.

"This included a road accident near Honiton with a female giving birth who had to be transported by ambulance to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital."

He said "many" vehicles, including a 38ft-long (11.6m) lorry, had been trapped in flood water.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said 25 people had been rescued from flooded homes in Ottery St Mary and Feniton.

Susanne Reed, from the fire control centre, said it was the worst flooding she had seen in 25 years.

"It has been absolute chaos, it started just after midnight when we were out rescuing people stuck in their cars in flood water.

Cars in flooding (Pic by Richard Wells)

Floods: In Pictures

"It got worse and worse and one crew got stuck in a 6ft (1.8m) [hail] drift," she said.

She added that crews had been rescuing people "constantly" and she could not begin to say how many had been helped to safety.

A spokeswoman for Portland Coastguard said coastguard volunteers had rescued a family of three who were trapped in a bungalow, using their four-wheel drive vehicles.

She said they also rescued several elderly people from a housing estate.

They have been taken to the hospital in Ottery St Mary.

One resident who spoke to BBC News from her home just outside Ottery St Mary said: "There is 2ft 6ins [0.75m] of water on the road. I can't get out of the house."

John and Joan Burrows, who farm nearby, have lost about 30 sheep. Joan said: "Others are sheltering on the old railway line and we're hoping they don't try and jump in the water."

Tony Fabry, who runs the town's post office, said: "At one point I was watching beer barrels, sandwich boards and even a children's slide floating down the road.

"It was absolutely horrendous."

Ottery bonfire in flood (Pic Gareth Jones)
The town had been preparing for its bonfire night celebrations

The town had been preparing for a carnival this weekend, ahead of its annual Tar Barrel Rolling festival on 5 November.

Devon and Cornwall police warned motorists that roads in the area were "treacherous" and a number of routes had been closed because of flooding or ice.

In Boscastle in Cornwall six premises were flooded overnight because of a blocked storm drain.

Heavy rainfall has also led to problems with surface water on Cornwall's roads.

The Environment Agency has flood warnings in place on the Rivers Otter, Axe, Clyst, Coly, Culm, Isle and Yarty in Devon.

East Devon and parts of Cornwall have been hit by serious flooding after a night of storms, including severe rain and heavy hail.

Devon and Somerset fire service described the situation in the Ottery St Mary area as "absolute chaos".

Police said that a pregnant woman, who had gone into labour, had to be rescued from a car and about 25 people have been rescued from their homes.

An evacuation centre has been set up at the hospital in Ottery St Mary.

It got worse and worse and one crew got stuck in a 6ft drift
Susanne Reed, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

A police spokesman said: "There have been a series of weather-related road collisions.

"This included a road accident near Honiton with a female giving birth who had to be transported by ambulance to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital."

He said "many" vehicles, including a 38ft-long (11.6m) lorry, had been trapped in flood water.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said 25 people had been rescued from flooded homes in Ottery St Mary and Feniton.

Susanne Reed, from the fire control centre, said it was the worst flooding she had seen in 25 years.

"It has been absolute chaos, it started just after midnight when we were out rescuing people stuck in their cars in flood water.

Cars in flooding (Pic by Richard Wells)

Floods: In Pictures

"It got worse and worse and one crew got stuck in a 6ft (1.8m) [hail] drift," she said.

She added that crews had been rescuing people "constantly" and she could not begin to say how many had been helped to safety.

A spokeswoman for Portland Coastguard said coastguard volunteers had rescued a family of three who were trapped in a bungalow, using their four-wheel drive vehicles.

She said they also rescued several elderly people from a housing estate.

They have been taken to the hospital in Ottery St Mary.

One resident who spoke to BBC News from her home just outside Ottery St Mary said: "There is 2ft 6ins [0.75m] of water on the road. I can't get out of the house."

John and Joan Burrows, who farm nearby, have lost about 30 sheep. Joan said: "Others are sheltering on the old railway line and we're hoping they don't try and jump in the water."

Tony Fabry, who runs the town's post office, said: "At one point I was watching beer barrels, sandwich boards and even a children's slide floating down the road.

"It was absolutely horrendous."

Ottery bonfire in flood (Pic Gareth Jones)
The town had been preparing for its bonfire night celebrations

The town had been preparing for a carnival this weekend, ahead of its annual Tar Barrel Rolling festival on 5 November.

Devon and Cornwall police warned motorists that roads in the area were "treacherous" and a number of routes had been closed because of flooding or ice.

In Boscastle in Cornwall six premises were flooded overnight because of a blocked storm drain.

Heavy rainfall has also led to problems with surface water on Cornwall's roads.

The Environment Agency has flood warnings in place on the Rivers Otter, Axe, Clyst, Coly, Culm, Isle and Yarty in Devon.

East Devon and parts of Cornwall have been hit by serious flooding after a night of storms, including severe rain and heavy hail.

Devon and Somerset fire service described the situation in the Ottery St Mary area as "absolute chaos".

Police said that a pregnant woman, who had gone into labour, had to be rescued from a car and about 25 people have been rescued from their homes.

An evacuation centre has been set up at the hospital in Ottery St Mary.

It got worse and worse and one crew got stuck in a 6ft drift
Susanne Reed, Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service

A police spokesman said: "There have been a series of weather-related road collisions.

"This included a road accident near Honiton with a female giving birth who had to be transported by ambulance to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital."

He said "many" vehicles, including a 38ft-long (11.6m) lorry, had been trapped in flood water.

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service said 25 people had been rescued from flooded homes in Ottery St Mary and Feniton.

Susanne Reed, from the fire control centre, said it was the worst flooding she had seen in 25 years.

"It has been absolute chaos, it started just after midnight when we were out rescuing people stuck in their cars in flood water.

Cars in flooding (Pic by Richard Wells)

Floods: In Pictures

"It got worse and worse and one crew got stuck in a 6ft (1.8m) [hail] drift," she said.

She added that crews had been rescuing people "constantly" and she could not begin to say how many had been helped to safety.

A spokeswoman for Portland Coastguard said coastguard volunteers had rescued a family of three who were trapped in a bungalow, using their four-wheel drive vehicles.

She said they also rescued several elderly people from a housing estate.

They have been taken to the hospital in Ottery St Mary.

One resident who spoke to BBC News from her home just outside Ottery St Mary said: "There is 2ft 6ins [0.75m] of water on the road. I can't get out of the house."

John and Joan Burrows, who farm nearby, have lost about 30 sheep. Joan said: "Others are sheltering on the old railway line and we're hoping they don't try and jump in the water."

Tony Fabry, who runs the town's post office, said: "At one point I was watching beer barrels, sandwich boards and even a children's slide floating down the road.

"It was absolutely horrendous."

Ottery bonfire in flood (Pic Gareth Jones)
The town had been preparing for its bonfire night celebrations

The town had been preparing for a carnival this weekend, ahead of its annual Tar Barrel Rolling festival on 5 November.

Devon and Cornwall police warned motorists that roads in the area were "treacherous" and a number of routes had been closed because of flooding or ice.

In Boscastle in Cornwall six premises were flooded overnight because of a blocked storm drain.

Heavy rainfall has also led to problems with surface water on Cornwall's roads.

The Environment Agency has flood warnings in place on the Rivers Otter, Axe, Clyst, Coly, Culm, Isle and Yarty in Devon.

 :o :o :o




